Investing in Your Success: Career Planning Tips for 2017
If you haven’t been excited about going to work for quite some time, maybe it’s time to rethink your professional goals.
And, that doesn’t have to mean going back to school or jumping into a completely different field. Sometimes, you just need to make micro-adjustments to realign the trajectory of your future.
If you’re beginning a new sober lifestyle, you probably have a newfound sense of optimism about your future. Why not make the most of this positive momentum and use that energy to plan your career goals?
If you’re not sure where to get started, here are a few questions to ask yourself when plotting out your professional future.
(1) How do you define your version of success?Your career can influence more than simply the amount that’s in your bank account. Take some time to think about what you value the most. Is it being part of an organization with a mission you can get behind? Or, are you looking for a role where you’re challenged intellectually? Find out what you want out of your professional life and find a job that fulfills your personal goals!
By taking the time to think through prior roles and responsibilities, you can better predict what you’d like to pursue in the future. Think about all of the different jobs you’ve held and what you liked about each - then try to find a common theme. Do you like crunching numbers for a living or are you drawn to roles that involve project management skills? If you can identify the types of activities you enjoy, you can then seek out professional roles that match your strengths and interests.
(3) Have my priorities changed in life?
Did you find your “dream job” right out of college? If so, consider yourself lucky! Though, it’s normal to have your personal and professional preferences evolve over time. Don’t lock yourself into one career during your lifetime. Be open to reconsidering a new career path based on where you are in life. Right now.
Life Skills Training at English Mountain Recovery
Many men who are focusing on their recovery have also rediscovered a renewed and profound interest in their professional futures. That’s why we offer a comprehensive array of life skills training as part of our relapse prevention programming at English Mountain Recovery to help you prepare for a new and fulfilling sober lifestyle. We’re here to support you every step of the way. To learn more, call: (877) 459-8595.
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