5 Signs You Might Be In A Codependent Relationship

Couple in Codependent Relationship
The disease of addiction can take many different forms including compulsive overeating and alcohol and drug abuse. While many people typically think of addiction in terms of using and abusing a specific substance, you might be surprised to learn that individuals can also form an addiction to intangible things too. In codependent relationships, for example, the addict forms an unhealthy compulsion to maintain emotionally destructive relationships – often with those suffering from a chemical dependency.

If you have a friend or family member who is battling an addiction, it’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of codependent relationships since it often goes hand in hand. (In one study, 505 family members of drug users were interviewed and 64% exhibited highly codependent behaviors.)


Do You Have a Codependent Personality Type?

(1) Do you put your partner first and yourself last? In healthy partnerships, there is a balance in terms of the emotional energy each person contributes to the relationship. Though, if you find yourself always catering to the other person’s needs, the relationship can become one-sided and unfulfilling.

(2) Do you have an overwhelming need for approval? It’s always nice to feel appreciated and acknowledged by others. Though, in a codependent relationship, there is a pattern of behavior where one individual constantly seeks approval and validation.

(3) You are a caregiver, not their equal. In a healthy relationship, both adults take responsibility for taking care of themselves. Though, in codependent relationships, the dynamic shifts where one person assumes accountability for both partners.

(4) You can’t imagine your life without the other person. If you care about someone, it’s natural to want to build a future together. But, it’s important to still maintain your own identity and a healthy sense of independence.

(5) You go out of your way to enable and support their destructive behaviors. Do you make excuses for your partner’s behavior or help support their lifestyle of addiction? By serving as their enabler, you are putting their emotional and physical health at risk as they delay getting professional help.

If you have a pattern of developing codependent relationships with others, with professional help, you can learn how to form healthier connections with others.

Supporting Healthy Relationships During Addiction Recovery

Addictions affect the entire family and English Mountain Recovery highly encourages family participation. Research shows that recovery rates are increased when the family is involved in the recovery process.

During our Family Program, participants will experience group therapy, videos/discussions, lectures, personal exercises and new communication skills. To learn more about our comprehensive addiction treatment services, call (877) 459-8595.


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