Why 12 Step Meetings Work for Sobriety

12 Step Meeting

12 Step Meeting Makers Make It!

Once you have completed your in-patient addiction treatment at English Mountain Recovery your recovery program is not over. Recovery is a life long event but completed one day at a time. Over the years we have seen that our most successful clients commit to and attend 12 step meetings on a regular basis.

The first thing you will want to do when you return home from treatment, is to go online and check out the available 12 step meetings in your area. Bookmark that page, or better yet print it out. Most AA's pre-schedule their meetings conveniently around work or school schedules.

Get a Home-Group Meeting

People who have long term sobriety more thank likely are a member of a home-group. A home-group is a meeting you can join and should attend on a very regular basis. Overtime this group will become like family to you, as you get to know people on a personal level. I have attended a 12 step noon meeting for as long as I can remember. In the beginning I would go pretty much every day, and years later I attend about 3 times a week. My home-group are people I have grown to love and care for. We get together outside of meetings to do other things too.

Since people in your home-group really know you, they are able to notice that you may be struggling usually way before you do. You will do this for them too. You will really come to care for your home-group as they will you. This does not happen as often in meetings where you do not share the same type of connection with the group. A home-group should be the first thing you establish upon leaving treatment.

How Many Meetings Should I Attend?

This is different for everyone, but you should attend as many as it takes to maintain your sobriety. A good rule of thumb when you are in new recovery is at least 3 to 4 meetings per week. For instance, in a week you may have your home-group meeting, a gender specific meeting, a Big Book study meeting and a speaker meeting. All of these meetings are different and they can all contribute to the success of your recovery.

Keep It Fresh

Overtime even the best meeting can become stale and that is just the nature of recovery meetings. To keep a good attitude and stay committed to your recovery, continue to check out and try new meetings. There may even come a time when you want to start a new meeting yourself - which is great! First you will need to find a location to hold the meeting, such as a local church or some other community center. Then you will need to decide on a name and time for your meeting. Once you have this figured out, contact the Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup office in your area and provide them with the meeting details. They will then publish your meeting in the AA meeting directory. There is no better way to ensure your success in sobriety than to actively participate and serve. Meeting makers make it!


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