Healing A Home: 4 Reasons to Choose Family Therapy

The destructive forces of addiction seemingly know no bounds. Like a virus, it infects the user, and from there, the damage rapidly spreads to those around them. Breaking apart marriages, eviscerating friendships – leaving a trail of anxiety, depression and stress in its path. This is why addiction is often referred to as “a family disease” as the trauma of addiction impacts everyone in the home. In households that have been torn apart by addiction, family therapy is often used in conjunction with individual treatment to help the entire home heal together. If you, or someone you love, is searching for help overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol, here are four reasons why you should consider family therapy. (1) It can help prevent younger family members from going down the wrong path. It’s an unfortunate fact that substance abuse is more prevalent among teens and young adults. But, family therapy can help reduce the risk of addiction spreading to other family members. During therap...