Since the previous Clinical Tips were about the Swollen tongue and Phlegm, the use of acupuncture to resolve Dampness and Phlegm and the use of ST-40 to resolve Phlegm, I would like to stay with the subject of fluids pathology and discuss the use of the point BL-22 Sanjiaoshu. I have mentioned this point in a previous entry as one of the points to resolve Dampness and/or Phlegm. BL-22 is called Sanjiaoshu, i.e. "Shu [point] of the San Jiao" and it is obviously situated just above BL-23 Shenshu, the Back-Shu point of the Kidneys: as we shall see below, this is very significant. Given that the Triple Burner is an Arm channel, i.e. Arm Shao Yang, and therefore a channel of the upper limbs, why should the Back-Shu point of the Triple Burner be in the lower back near the kidneys and not in the upper back? The book "An Explanation of Acupuncture Points" (1654) has a very interesting observation. It says that the Pericardium (Arm Jue Yin) has a Back-Shu point at BL-14 Juey...