[Addiction Research] Alcohol Impairs Cognitive Processes More Than You Might Think

Have you ever wondered why so many individuals under the influence of alcohol choose to get behind the wheel even though they are obviously impaired? In a study funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, researchers investigated that puzzling scenario. To better understand the impact of alcohol tolerance among heavy drinkers, scientists at the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System evaluated how the consumption of alcohol impacts basic motor skills and more complex cognitive processes. (For example, when someone says that they can handle their alcohol consumption, is that really the case?) For this project, researchers recruited 155 adult volunteers who were given tests at the beginning of the study to establish a baseline measurement of their physical and mental capabilities. The research team then interviewed the participants to gauge their current drinking patterns – classifying participants as either light or heavy drinkers. (Heavy drinkers reported con...