
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Nelson J. Bradley Lifetime Achievement Award given to Jim Marcotte

NAATP ANNOUNCES 2015 AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN ADDICTION TREATMENT The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2015 awards for excellent achievement in the field of addiction treatment services. NAATP gives these awards annually to honor exemplary achievements, promote addiction awareness, and encourage the pursuit of best practices. NAATP is a national professional membership association of addiction treatment services providers. Its mission is to provide leadership, advocacy, training and other membership support services to assure the continued availability and highest quality of addiction treatment. The awards were presented at the NAATP 2015 National Addiction Leadership Conference in May at Carlsbad, CA. The Nelson J. Bradley Lifetime Achievement Award is given to Jim Marcotte, English Mountain Recovery , Sevierville, TN. Mr. Marcotte is honored for his 50 year record of service to the addiction recovery communi...


Empty Heat derives from Yin deficiency and the two pathological conditions (Yin deficiency and Empty Heat) are often considered as one.  All modern Chinese books include Empty Heat clinical manifestations under the patterns of Yin deficiency.  For example, under the pattern of Lung-Yin deficiency they will have dry throat and dry cough (Yin deficiency) and 5-palm heat (Empty Heat). This is not the case in practice as Yin deficiency may last a long time without symptoms or signs of Empty Heat: thus, Yin deficiency and Empty Heat are two separate pathological conditions, even though, of course, the latter derives from the former. The symptoms of Yin deficiency vary according to the organ involved but generally they will include night-sweating and symptoms and signs of dryness such as dry throat, dry cough, dry lips, dry eyes, dry mouth, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, tongue without coating possibly with cracks. The symptoms and signs of Empty Heat will include feelin...