Itching is a symptom that accompanies many diseases and patterns. The main pathogenic factors that cause itching are: Heat External Wind Wind in the skin Dampness Blood deficiency For each pathogenic factor I will give the general acupuncture points for treatment. Please note that these are only general points and other points depend on the disease and the part of the body affected. Please note that Baichongwo is an extra point located 1 cun above SP-10 Xuehai. Its name means "100 insects nest", a clear reference to its action on itching that feels as if insects were crawling under the skin. In the lists of points, I mention HE-7 Shenmen because, besides calming the Shen, it stops itching. Heat The itching caused by Heat manifests with red skin eruptions of the papular type. It is seen in various diseases such as herpes. In order to diagnose Heat as the cause of itching the tongue is important: it must be red with a yellow coating and possibly red points. A...