In this blog post, I will discuss the diagnostic differentiation between various digestive symptoms and specifically, a feeling of distension, fullness, oppression and stuffiness. A feeling of DISTENSION ( zhang 胀) indicates stagnation of Qi. This type of sensation will be seldom referred to as "distension" by Western patients: more often than not, patients will call it a feeling of “bloating”, "bursting", "being blown-up", etc. A feeling of distension is both subjective and objective. Subjectively, the patient feels bloated, and objectively, it can be seen and palpated. On palpation it feels like an over-inflated balloon, it resists on palpation and “rebounds”. A feeling of distension indicates Qi stagnation: it is the cardinal symptom of Qi stagnation which usually affects the Liver. Remember, however, that it affects also other organs: in the context of digestive disorders, it affects the Stomach, Intestines and Spleen. Note that Qi stagnation do...