Backache I often use points of the Heart channel for lower backache, particularly in men. The reason is the same as that given for the use of these points for men's sexual problems: the Heart is like an "Upper Kidney" and it therefore naturally influences the lower back. I find that the point HE-7 Shenmen is the best for this function because, besides its indirect action on the Kidney channel (and therefore the lower back), it also has a general anti-spastic effect, thus relaxing the muscles. I usually combine this point with the opening points of the Du Mai (only if the pain stems from the spine area). An example of a combination in a man would be SI-3 Houxi on the left, BL-62 Shenmai on the right, HE-7 Shenmen on the right and KI 4 Dazhong on the left. If the pain is unilateral, I use KI-4 Dazhong on the side of the pain and HE-7 Shenmen on the opposite side. Nausea, Vomiting Although nausea and vomiting are always related to Stomach-Qi ascending instead ...