An article in the New Scientist reports a new discovery about bacteria in the foetus. It was previously thought that the foetus could not be affected by bacteria from the mother in the womb and that they could only get bacterial contamination from the mother's vagina at birth. New research shows that this is not so and that bacteria in fact colonize the foetus’s gut in the womb. This has two interesting implications in Chinese medicine, one to do with the idea of Toxic Heat from the uterus and the other with the aetiology of allergic asthma. According to Chinese medicine, we are all born with "Toxic Heat from the uterus". Dr J. Shen used to give new-born babies a herbal formula to eliminate such Toxic Heat: its elimination would prevent that person from suffering from skin diseases later in life. Pilar Francino and her colleagues at the University of Valencia in Spain collected and froze the meconium of babies from 20 women. They removed the outer layers of each sample to...