
Showing posts from August, 2011


In the previous Clinical Tip (August 2011) we discussed the nature and functions of the Triple Burner as the activator of the Yuan Qi based primarily on the Nan Jing. In this Clinical Tip, I will discuss the second nature of the Triple Burner, i.e. as a system of waterways which is primarily from the Nei Jing. 2) The Triple Burner as a system of waterways The view of the Triple Burner as a system of waterways is found primarily in the Su Wen but also in the Nan Jing. From this point of view, the Triple Burner is a Fu organ, i.e. it “has a form”. You will remember that the Triple Burner that is the activator of the Yuan Qi has “no form”, i.e. it is a set of functions and not a Fu organ. Chapter 31 of the Nan Jing describes the Triple Burner as the “avenue of water and food”: “ The Triple Burner is the avenue of water and food, and the beginning and end of Qi. The Upper Burner extends from below the heart and diaphragm up to the mouth of the stomach; it is charge of receiving and it does...

Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Chinese Medicine - 2nd edition

We are pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia. Obstetrics and Gynaeclogy in Chinese Medicine is a complete and detailed textbook of this speciality in Chinese medicine with the pattern diagnosis and treatment with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. The author bases his exposition on modern and ancient Chinese books, always integrated with his long clinical experience. The book deals in depth with gynaecological disorders, diseases of pregnancy and diseases after childbirth. It is complemented by a chapter on childbirth written by an experienced midwife/acupuncturist practising in the busy maternity unit of a UK hospital. The book deals with the diagnosis and treatment of 64 women's disorders including menstrual irregularities, diseases during pregnancy and diseases after childbirth. The second edition has been completely revised and new formulae added; in addition, the author discusses the diagnos...


OPEN LETTER TO JOHN DALLI, EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER FOR HEALTH BY THE ALLIANCE FOR NATURAL HEALTH 24th June 2011 Dear Commissioner RE: NON-EUROPEAN TRADITIONAL HERBAL SECTOR IN CRISIS I was one of four experts attending a forum in the European Parliament on 21st June 2011 considering challenges posed by the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD) (Directive 2004/24/EC). These challenges are particularly acute for genuine, long-standing traditional systems of medicine, and especially those that are of non-European origin. The forum was hosted by Michele Rivasi, Bart Staes, Carl Schlyter, Satu Hassi and Heide Rühle of the Greens/EFA group. We have reported on the event on our website and the organisers ensured the event was video recorded, streamed live and archived. As you will be able to see from the record of proceedings, the forum was very usefully organised, primarily in Question & Answer format. Questions were asked by a wide range of interests, ranging from non-go...

The Triple Burner

The Triple Burner is probably the most widely discussed topic on Chinese medicine and, over the centuries, there have been many different theories on its nature. In this Clinical Tip, I will try to elucidate the main ideas on the nature of the Triple Burner and it will probably take more than one Clinical Tip. “Burner” is a translation of the word jiao which means “burned” or “scorched”. It is also called “Warmer” while others choose not to translate it and call it the “San Jiao”. Some Chinese doctors distinguish between two basic views of the Triple Burner, one according to which is has “no form” (which is primarily from the Nan Jing) and another according to which it has “a form” (which is primarily from the Nei Jing). Although this distinction is important (and I will expand on it below), I think there are at least four different ways of looking at the Triple Burner, as listed below. 1) The Triple Burner as the activator of the Yuan Qi 2) The Triple Burner as a system of waterways 3...